Pediatric specialists at Children’s Health℠ Specialty Center Preston evaluates and treat patients in a warm, comfortable environment designed especially for children.
Services include:
Specialized treatment programs
In addition to our standard services, we offer specialized programs specifically tailored to your child's unique needs:
Transitional skills evaluations
Children’s Health Specialty Center Preston offers transitional assessments for children ages 11-17 years with chronic health conditions.
- The goal of the program is to support parents as the young person moves from a child to a young adult.
- The assessment objectives are to connect families with resources, establish realistic and meaningful home goals, and promote functional skill development in the home and community, as well as improving the child’s overall level of independence.
- This team will provide assessments targeting the following:
- Occupational Therapy: Self care such as dressing, cooking and bathing. Pre-work skills such as home chores, shopping and eating out.
- Speech Therapy: Functional expression language, social communication, communication system updates and nutritional screening
- Physical Therapy: Equipment checks, strength and endurance, physical fitness through utilization of community resources, home programs addressing growth issues for children with tonal differences.
- Inform Parent of Resources such as: Supported Employment, Estate Planning, SSI and Assistive Living
Augmentative communication evaluations
Children’s Health Specialty Center Preston offers a comprehensive assessment that analyzes motor, sensory, communication, cognitive and social skills in order to select an appropriate device to optimize performance within the constraints of the individual’s capabilities. This evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary team, including a speech-language pathologist, physical therapist and occupational therapist.
Additional treatment programs
- Feeding therapy for children with neurological and/or behavioral feeding disorders, including
- Feeding group therapy
- Behavioral counseling
- Bilingual services (physical therapy only at this time)
- Handwriting therapy - evaluate and treat children with handwriting disorders
- Dietary/nutrition consultations for current feeding patients
- Sensory integration to help patients and families understand and improve sensory processing
- Therapeutic listening program
- Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (VitalStim®)
- Group classes that can enhance a patient’s ability to achieve their goals: these may include groups for: <
- Articulation
- Feeding
- Motor
- Planning
- Social skills