11-year-old | retinoblastoma patient
From published author to aspiring scientist, Luis’ future couldn’t be clearer.
Research what makes you happy
Ever since first grade, 11-year-old retinoblastoma patient Luis has wanted to be a scientist. He loves everything about biology and chemistry – learning how tumors start, researching what causes cancer, watching how cells reproduce and seeing how chemicals react with one another. Discover what he is mixing up in his lab.
Patient Story
Discovering a new vision for care
At only 7 months old, the doctors at Children’s Medical Center Dallas found a tumor on Luis’ eye. He had to have surgery to remove his eye and multiple rounds of chemotherapy at the Pauline Allen Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders. Today, he might have a prosthetic eye, but his future couldn’t be clearer.
Todd the Odd Boy
Bullying helped build a second career
Because of his glass eye, Luis found himself being bullied at school. But instead of letting it get him down, he drew inspiration from his situation and wrote a book, Todd the Odd Boy. It’s a story about bullying, forgiveness and redemption for all. For Luis, writing serves as a form of healing and positive expression.