Betsy Kennard, PsyD, ABPP $$

Pediatric Psychologist

Languages Spoken:
UT Southwestern Pediatric Group

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Education and Training

Graduate School
Baylor University (1984)
Board Certification
American Board of Professional Psychology
  • Research Interests

    • Child and Adolescent Depression
    • Relapse Prevention
    • Adolescent Suicide
  • Publications

    • Kennard, B., Mayes, T.L., Chahal, Z., Nakonezny, P.A., Moorehead, A., Emslie, G.J. (2018).Predictors and moderators of relapse in children and adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder. J Clinical Psychiatry, 2018, 79(2):  pii: 15m10330;  PMID: 29474007. 108.
    • Kennard, B.D., Goldstein,T., Foxwell, A.A., McMakin, D.L., Wolfe, K., Biernesser, C., Moorehead, A.P., Douaihy, A.,  Zullo, L., Wentroble, E., Owen, V., Zelazny, J., Iyengar, S., Porta, G., Brent, D.. (2018) As Safe As Possible (ASAP): A brief app-supported inpatient intervention to prevent post-discharge suicidal behavior in hospitalized, suicidal adolescents. American Journal of Psychiatry, 175 (2018), 864-872; PMID: 30021457. 111.
    • Kennard, B., Mayes, T., King, J., Moorehead, A,, Wolfe, K., Hughes, J., Castillo, B., Smith, M., Matney, J., Oscarson, B., Stewart, S., Nakonezny, P., Foxwell, A., Emslie, G. (2019). The Development and feasibility outcomes of a youth suicide prevention intensive outpatient program. Journal of Adolescent Health. 64, 362-369, (PMID: 30502117).
  • Professional Activities

    • Member, American Psychological Association
    • Member, Dallas Psychological Association (Trustee; 9/03 to 5/05)
    • Member, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
    • Member, Academy of Cognitive Therapy
    • Trustee, Jerry M. Lewis, MD Research Foundation (May 2015 to present)
  • Awards and Honors

    • Fellow, Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (2015)
    • Outstanding Contribution to Science, Texas Psychological Association (2016)
    • Alfred M. Wellner, PhD, Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Register of Health Service Psychologists (2018)
    • Fellow, Division 53, American Psychological Association (2019)