Kristin Monet Scott, PhD $$

Pediatric Psychologist - Foster Care

Languages Spoken:


UT Southwestern Pediatric Group

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Education and Training

Houston Independent School District (2017), Child & Adolescent Psychology
Children's Medical Center Dallas (2018), Child & Adolescent Psychology
Graduate School
Tulane University (2017)
  • Research Interests

    • Depression
    • Suicidality
    • Complex trauma
    • Resilience
  • Publications


    • Muncer, R.M., Cunningham, M.C., Scott, K.M., & Yates, A. (2019). African American adolescents speak: Mixed-methods research on the meaning of racial identity in the relation between race-related stress and depressive symptoms. In H.E. Fitzgerald, D. J. Johnson, D. B. Qin, F. A. Villarruel, & J. Norder (Eds.), Handbook on children and prejudice (pp. 533-550). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    • From higher order thinking to higher order behavior: exploring the relationship between early cognitive skills and social competence in black boys. Scott KM, Barbarin OA, Brown JM Am J Orthopsychiatry 2013 Apr-Jul 83 2 Pt 3 185-93
    • Socioemotional trajectories in black boys between kindergarten and the fifth grade: the role of cognitive skills and family in promoting resiliency. Brown J, Barbarin O, Scott K, Am J Orthopsychiatry 2013 Apr-Jul 83 2 Pt 3 176-84


    • African American adolescents speak: The meaning of racial identity in the relation between individual race-related stress and depression symptoms. In Handbook of children and prejudice: Integrating research, practice, and policy. Cunningham, M., Mulser, R. M., Scott, K., & Yates, A. (2019). New York, Springer Publishers
    • A socio-cultural conception of literacy practices in African American families. In Handbook of family literacy. Scott, K. M., Brown, J. M., Jean-Baptiste, E., & Barbarin, O. A. (2012). New York, Routledge
  • Professional Activities

    • American Association of Suicidology (2019-2021)
    • American Psychological Association (2011-2021)
    • American Psychological Association, Division 53, Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (2020-2021)
    • American Psychological Association, Division 53, Special Interest Group- Acute, Intensive, Residential Service (2020-2021)
    • Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (2019-2021)
  • Awards and Honors

    • Performance Recognition Award - Children's Health System of Texas (2019-2020)
    • Phi Beta Kappa (2009)
    • Psychology Summer Institute Fellow, APA Minority Fellowship Program (2016)

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