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Kendall's story: Choosing bariatric surgery and a healthier future

Why one teen chose weight loss surgery and what she wants people to know about her experience.

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Kendall remembers looking in the mirror when she was 17 and thinking about her future.

"I knew if I stayed on the same path I could have a heart attack at like 35," she says. "And I don’t want that. I want to be traveling, I want to go to Bora Bora when I'm 35. I saw my reflection and thought: You have a chance to rise above."


Kendall’s dad was the first person to put weight loss surgery on her radar. He’s a doctor, and he helped her understand that surgery could help significantly lower Kendall’s risk of type 2 diabetes, heart issues and other long-term health problems. He also made it clear that it was Kendall’s choice to make — and if she wanted to do it, her family was there to support her.

"I had to keep it real with myself," Kendall says. "I know myself and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it with just diet and exercise."

Soon she was meeting with Grayce Summers, PA-C, Physician Assistant and Bariatric Program Coordinator, and Faisal Qureshi, M.D., Director of the Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Center at Children's Health℠ and Professor at UT Southwestern.

Taking control of her health

If there’s one thing Kendall wants people to know about weight loss surgery, it's this: It's not the easy way out.

"It's not a cheat code or a skip in the game," Kendall says. "It's a tool to help you take control of your health. And you really have to work for it."

Obesity is more complex than people may think. Genetics, metabolism, socioeconomic status and cultural and social factors all play a role.


"Some people, including some health care providers, think you can just 'lose the weight' and if you can’t, it's your fault. But it’s not that simple," Dr. Qureshi says.

That's why patients considering bariatric surgery at Children’s Health meet with psychologists,
social workers, registered dietitians and other experts.

"Sometimes we learn that parents are working two jobs and are not able to prepare healthy meals or that kids are being bullied and using food to cope," Summers says. "Some kids have a genetic condition that makes them more likely to have obesity."

There’s also a misconception that surgery is only a last resort.

"Bariatric surgery – which removes a portion of the stomach to limit the amount of food that can be eaten at one time – is one of many tools in the toolkit for obesity," Dr. Qureshi says. "Diet and exercise can help people lose 3-5 percent of their body weight. But when people need to lose more than that, surgery is one of the most effective tools."

Building new habits before surgery

Kendall worked with her team to meet a goal to lose five to seven pounds before she could even schedule surgery. This is because bariatric surgery works best when it's combined with lifestyle changes to help people stay at a healthier weight for the long-term.

To meet her goals, Kendall started adding workouts at the gym to the workouts she was already doing for marching band. She also worked with her dietitian, Maria Cuccia, RD, LD, to plan healthy meals and snacks around foods she enjoys.

"I love Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Maria even helped me find a fiery puff chip that was healthier but tasted similar," Kendall says.

On the morning of her surgery, Kendall knew that she would have to step on a scale.

"I kept picturing myself showing up for the surgery at 6 a.m. and them telling me I had to go home because I didn’t meet the weight goal," Kendall says.

Proving herself wrong

In moments when Kendall feels doubt, she’s learned that it’s possible – and empowering – to prove herself wrong.

That's what she did the morning of her surgery. She met her weight goal and proceeded to have 75% of her stomach removed which was "a lot less scary than it sounds." The next day, she was walking around, and two weeks later, she went to band camp.


"I knew that I’d have to take more breaks at band camp, but I still got to go and perform," Kendall says. "And I knew it’d be easy to get a hold of Grayce with any problems or questions. She’s been so helpful."

Kendall also decided to prove Dr. Qureshi wrong when he told her that sometimes boys lose weight faster than girls do after surgery.

"I was like 'game on, challenge accepted' and I lost 100 pounds within a year of my surgery," Kendall says.

Becoming the person she wants to be

A year after her surgery, Kendall started her freshman year at Texas Southern University as a political science major. When she looks in the mirror, she sees the person she wants to be — with pink streaks in her hair and contagious optimism.

Before, I felt like I was trying to shelter myself and I didn’t always put myself out there. But after my surgery, I feel like I can really be me. And that’s someone who can turn a bad day into a great day. It means being on it with school, finding my people, having fun and being healthy at the same time.

Kendall, Patient

Kendall still loves food and cooking. But now she enjoys some of her favorite flavors through swaps suggested by her dietitian and by having more, smaller meals throughout the day.

When anyone asks, her advice for people considering weight loss surgery is this:

"You need to have a mentality that you can do it and make the best of it," Kendall says. "You might have those turtle moments where you just want to hide away in your shell and that’s OK. But don’t quit. Just keep working towards your goal. I love what I did and I’m very proud."

Learn more

The Children's Health Bariatric Surgical Center works with adolescents to help them reach and maintain a healthy weight. We provide the medical, surgical, nutritional, emotional and social support your family and your child need for long-term success. Learn more about our program, requirements for bariatric surgery, when it's recommended and alternative options.