Jul 7, 2016, 8:30:53 AM CDT Aug 13, 2024, 2:14:17 PM CDT

Teaching your kids school bus safety rules

Learn how you can help keep your child safe when riding the school bus

kids getting on the school bus in the morning kids getting on the school bus in the morning

School buses are built to get children to school safely – and they do their job very well. Still, as a parent, you want to do everything you can to protect your child.

Here are some bus safety tips and facts that can help you keep your child as safe as possible.

Did you know? Students are about 70 times more likely to get to school safely when taking a bus than riding in a car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

How to prepare your child to ride the school bus

Here are a few ways to help prepare your child to ride the bus:

  • If they've never ridden the bus before, take them to the bus stop before school starts. This will help them get familiar with the pick-up and drop-off location.
  • Remind your child not to run or play while they are waiting for the bus.
  • Always plan to arrive five minutes before the bus arrives.
  • Review school bus safety rules with them.

What are the school bus safety rules?

Riding on a school bus is safe because they are large and built with safety in mind. Safety issues or accidents are much more likely to happen when a child is getting on or off the bus.

Teach your child these simple school bus rules to keep them safe:

  1. Wait 10 feet away from the curb in a safe place away from the street. The bus driver can't see children if they're too close to the bus. Yellow flashing lights mean the bus is preparing to stop.
  2. When you get on or off the bus, look to make sure the bus safety lights are flashing.
  3. Wait to get on the bus until the bus driver says it's safe.
  4. Be respectful of the bus driver and follow their directions.
  5. Remain seated while riding the bus.
  6. If something falls under the bus, tell the bus driver. Don't try to pick it up yourself.
  7. Stop and look both ways as you get off the bus.
  8. When the bus driver says it's safe to cross the street after getting off the bus, remember to cross in front of the bus and make eye contact with the driver. Never cross behind the bus because the driver won't be able to see you.

Are school buses safe?

Yes. School buses are designed using NHTSA guidelines. They must meet strict crash-testing criteria. Safety features on the outside of school buses include:

  • Cross-view mirrors
  • Flashing red lights
  • High-visibility yellow color
  • Stop sign arm

Safety features on the inside of school buses include:

  • High-crush standards
  • Protective seating
  • Rollover protection features

School bus drivers must also pass a series of safety checks, including:

  • In-depth safety training
  • Background and record checks
  • Pre-employment and random drug and alcohol screenings

If you have specific questions about your school district's buses or bus drivers, you can contact your transportation administrator.

Keep school buses safe

Tell your kids to be on the lookout for additional safety concerns. These concerns include:

  • A school bus driver who is tailgating (driving too close to the car in front).
  • A school bus driver who ignores traffic signs or signals.
  • A school bus driver who is texting while driving.
  • Dangerous conditions at a bus stop, like construction work.
  • Buses that are acting like they may have a mechanical or maintenance problem, like making unusual noises.
  • Kids who are bullying other kids. Learn more about signs of bullying.

If you or your child notice one of these concerns, let a school administrator know.

Learn more

Children's Health is here to help as your child prepares for a new year at school. See more tips and advice for making this school year a healthy and happy one.

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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, school transportation, transport

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