Children with ADHD struggle with focusing on topics that they don’t find really interesting. They then can become hyperfocused on those topics to the exclusion of schoolwork or other tasks. This can be especially true in certain electronic games.
Typically, a combination of environmental and academic support can be very helpful. In situations where those supports still aren’t enough, the use of medication can help, particularly with academic failures.
Does my ADHD child need medication?
Medication can help with ADHD symptoms when combined with changes to the home and school environment as well as other treatments. At Children’s Health, we add medication to other treatments, like counseling, and we are careful not to give more medication than a child needs.
Does ADHD change over time?
Your child’s ADHD symptoms may change during puberty. While some children’s symptoms may get worse during adolescence, many young people with ADHD find that some symptoms lessen when they become adults. Because academic and social issues can change over time, it’s important to keep visiting your doctor.