Symptoms often appear before age 2. We see children from 18 months to 20 years old, and they all benefit from treatment. But the earlier you begin treatment, the greater the benefits.
Why are there more and more kids with ASD?
There’s some evidence that the numbers are rising because of population changes or environmental changes. Research also shows that experts are just getting better at diagnosing ASD. We’re finding and treating ASD in children who used to go undiagnosed and untreated.
How long does treatment for ASD take?
ASD is not something that can be cured. But when families commit to treatment and follow recommendations, they often see significant changes in six to 12 months.
Do all children with ASD have trouble with eye contact or delayed speech?
No. It’s a common misconception that all children with ASD talk later than other kids or refuse to look people in the eye. Some children with ASD do not have these symptoms.