About one in 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect, making it the most common birth defect.
What is the most common congenital heart defect?
A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is the most common congenital heart defect. Children with VSD have a hole in the heart wall (septum) separating the heart’s two lower chambers or ventricles. Some small holes don’t need treatment (other than ongoing monitoring) and many close on their own. We perform heart surgery to patch and fix larger VSDs that cause problems.
What is critical congenital heart disease?
Critical congenital heart diseases require surgery within an infant’s first year of life. An infant may need multiple surgeries to correct more than one heart defect. About 1 in 4 babies with congenital heart disease have a critical type, such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome or tetralogy of Fallot. We perform advanced heart surgeries to treat all types of critical congenital heart disease.
How does congenital heart disease affect the body?
Various types of congenital heart disease affect a child’s body in different ways.
If not properly treated, these conditions can increase a child’s risk for: