Pediatric deviated septum

A pediatric deviated septum happens when the cartilage that separates the nasal passages is positioned to one side or the other of the midline of the nose.

What is a pediatric deviated septum?

The septum is the thin piece of cartilage that separates the two passages in the nasal cavity. If your child has a deviated septum, it means that this cartilage is positioned to one side or the other, as opposed to in the middle. This off-center positioning means that the inside of one nostril is much smaller than the other.

Many children are born with a septum that is slightly off-center, however, when the deviation is more pronounced, it can cause breathing problems and chronic nasal discharge.

Pediatric deviated septum - Children's Health

What are the signs and symptoms of a pediatric deviated septum?

  • Chronic nasal discharge
  • Chronic nosebleeds
  • Chronic stuffy nose, especially on one side
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Frequent sinus infections
  • Noisy breathing during sleep

What are the causes of a pediatric deviated septum?

In most children, a deviated septum is a congenital anomaly - meaning they are born with it. In some children, a deviated septum may be caused by an injury or a previous surgery for another condition.

Pediatric deviated septum doctors and providers