Hematuria is blood in the urine. Blood in the urine can be present even if you can’t see it. When you can see it, it’s called gross hematuria. When it’s visible only through a microscope examination of a urine sample, it’s called microscopic hematuria.
Where does the blood in the urine come from?
The kidneys filter blood from the urine. If they’re not functioning properly, blood leaks through the kidneys’ filters. It also can come from any part of the urinary tract, including the kidneys, which make the urine, the bladder where urine is stored, or the urethra, the tube that allows urine to flow out of the body.
What causes hematuria?
In many cases, no particular cause for hematuria can be found. In such cases, it’s called idiopathic hematuria. In other cases, blood in the urine can occur for a variety of reasons, including kidney disease, urinary infection, certain diseases that run in families, and, rarely, tumors or cancer.
What are the symptoms of hematuria?
Except for the appearance of blood with gross hematuria, there often are no symptoms. Sometimes, however, if the hematuria is caused by a urinary tract infection, your child may feel burning during urination or may have to urinate frequently.
Is it more serious if there is a great deal of blood?
The amount of blood, or even the ability to see blood, is no indication of severity.
How is hematuria diagnosed?
Your child’s doctor can perform blood and urine tests as part of a complete evaluation. In rare cases, a kidney biopsy may be necessary.
How is hematuria treated?
Your child may not need treatment if no cause is found for the hematuria. If a cause is discovered, however, treatment is targeted toward that cause. If your child has a urinary tract infection, for example, the doctor would prescribe antibiotics and perform a repeat urine test once your child has completed the course of antibiotics to ensure that the infection is gone.