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Multiple sclerosis (MS) in children

Children’s Health℠ has one of the few clinics in the U.S. that provides specialty care to treat diseases like multiple sclerosis (mul·​ti·​ple - scle·​ro·​sis) or MS. We call it the CONQUER Clinic, which stands for Collaboration on Neuroimmunology: Question, Understand, Educate and Restore. Our goal is to give your child a thorough evaluation and holistic treatment plan to help them live their best life.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) doctors and providers

Multiple sclerosis is rare in children and many doctors have never diagnosed or treated a child who has it. Our experts at Children's Health have diagnosed multiple sclerosis in patients as young as 2 years old. We’re here to help your child get the treatment they need to live their best life.

Frequently Asked Questions