Pediatric stridor
Pediatric stridor (stri·dor) is noisy breathing that is caused by blocked airflow in your child’s windpipe.
What is a pediatric stridor?
Stridor is a condition that may happen when something is blocking your child’s upper airway. The high-pitched sound is usually heard when your child takes a breath in, but it may also be heard when your child breathes out.
When a child has stridor, it signals that something else is wrong, such as:
Congenital (from birth) deformity
Respiratory infection
What are the signs and symptoms of a pediatric stridor?
The main symptom of stridor is a high-pitched sound that occurs during inspiration (breathing in) and sometimes expiration (breathing out).
What are the causes of a pediatric stridor?
Stridor occurs due to any condition that causes severe narrowing of your child’s airway.
The most common congenital (from birth) causes of stridor include:
Subglottic hematoma
Other causes of stridor include:
Bronchitis, croup and other respiratory infections
Epiglottitis (bacterial infection that causes severe swelling of a flap of tissue at the base of the tongue)
Swallowed object that gets stuck
Swallowed substance that causes severe swelling inside the throat
Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils)
Trauma to the windpipe, including neck fracture
Pediatric stridor doctors and providers
- Stephen Chorney, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)