Craniofacial Program
The mission of the Cleft and Craniofacial Team at Children’s Health℠ is to provide comprehensive care for patients with cleft lip and palate and craniofacial anomalies. Team care includes a collaborative evaluation and treatment planning by all of the specialists that will be active in caring for the patient throughout his/her childhood.
Conditions We Treat
- Pediatric Apert syndrome
- Bilateral coronal synostosis
- Pediatric cerebrocostomandibular syndrome (CCMS)
- Pediatric craniosynostosis
- Crouzon syndrome
- Pediatric ear deformities
- Pediatric hypertelorism
- Lambdoid synostosis
- Pediatric metopic synostosis
- Muenke syndrome in children
- Pfeiffer syndrome
- Pierre Robin syndrome (PRS)
- Plagiocephaly in children
- Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- Sagittal craniosynostosis (scaphocephaly)
- Pediatric unilateral coronal synostosis
- Syndromic craniosynostosis
- Isolated craniosynostosis
- Treacher Collins syndrome
- Goldenhar syndrome (oculo-auriculo-vertebral dysplasia or OAV)
- Pediatric facial paralysis
- Pediatric velopharyngeal incompetence (VPI)
- Pediatric torticollis
Treatments and Services
- Pediatric extended strip craniectomy with helmet therapy
- Pediatric spring assisted cranial expansion
- Pediatric cranial vault distraction osteogenesis (DO)
- Pediatric fronto-orbital advancement (FOA)
- Pediatric strip craniectomy (suturectomy)
- Pediatric open cranial vault remodeling
- Analytical Imaging and Modeling Center (AIM)
- Pediatric nasal reconstruction
Before and After Photos
Picturing what their child will look like after surgery gives our families hope and great expectations. Meet some of our patients who face the world with confidence today and tomorrow after comprehensive, personalized care.
Adam was born with sagittal craniosynostosis and was treated at 14 weeks old with a limited incision extended strip craniectomy with wedge ostectomy and custom helmet treatment.
Proud to be ACPA-designated
The ACPA defines that the purpose of the Cleft and Craniofacial Team “is to ensure that care is provided in a coordinated and consistent manner with the proper sequencing of evaluations and treatments within the framework of the patient’s overall developmental, medical and psychological needs.” The Cleft and Craniofacial Team at Children’s Health is proud to be an ACPA-designated team.
Broad Range of Specialists
The uniquely delicate nature of pediatric craniofacial deformities requires a broad range of specialists during all stages of your child’s treatment. This is why the Fogelson Plastic Surgery & Craniofacial Center provides not only plastic surgeons, but also orthodontists, dentists, psychologists, speech therapists and others to treat our patients’ conditions from every possible angle.
Parent Resources
Have questions about what to expect before, during and after your craniofacial appointment? Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Proud to be ACPA-designated
The ACPA defines that the purpose of the Cleft and Craniofacial Team “is to ensure that care is provided in a coordinated and consistent manner with the proper sequencing of evaluations and treatments within the framework of the patient’s overall developmental, medical and psychological needs.” The Cleft and Craniofacial Team at Children’s Health is proud to be an ACPA-designated team.
Broad Range of Specialists
The uniquely delicate nature of pediatric craniofacial deformities requires a broad range of specialists during all stages of your child’s treatment. This is why the Fogelson Plastic Surgery & Craniofacial Center provides not only plastic surgeons, but also orthodontists, dentists, psychologists, speech therapists and others to treat our patients’ conditions from every possible angle.
Parent Resources
Have questions about what to expect before, during and after your craniofacial appointment? Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Meet the Care Team
- Alex Kane, MDPlastic and Craniofacial Surgeon
- Carolyn Kerins, DDSPediatric Dentist
- Jessica May, MDPlastic and Craniofacial Surgeon
- Yong Jong Park, DDSPediatric Orthodontics Specialist
- Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy, MDPlastic and Craniofacial Surgeon
- Angela Scheuerle, MDPediatric Genetics Specialist
- James Seaward, MDPlastic and Craniofacial Surgeon
- Michael Oppedisano, DMDInpatient Pediatric Dentist
- Savannah Brown, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Kimberly Donner, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Otolaryngology
- Jessica Grant, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Laura Hanna, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Kimly Nguyen, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Riley Powers, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Emily Roman, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Otolaryngology
- Sarah Scheiwe, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Elizabeth Wetz, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Plastic Surgery
- Celia Heppner, PsyD, ABPPPediatric Psychologist - Plastic Surgery
- Cheryl Holihan, APRN, PNP-AC/PCNurse Practitioner - Otolaryngology
- Caroline Martin, APRN, PNP-AC/PCNurse Practitioner - Otolaryngology
- Caitlin Lentz, SLPSpeech Pathologist
- Lincy SamSocial Worker
- Courtney Van'T Slot, SLPSpeech Pathologist
- Kandi Trevino, SLPSpeech Pathologist