Kidney cancer is much more common in adults than children. Between 450 and 500 children have a Wilms tumor diagnosis every year.
Is a pediatric Wilms tumors (nephroblastoma) curable?
With proper treatment, the survival rate for children with Wilms tumors is as high as 90%. However, there is a chance that cancer will come back, usually within two years after your child finishes treatment.
We continue to monitor your child’s health after treatment to detect cancer recurrence quickly, so we can restart treatment as soon as possible. A reappearing Wilms tumor may affect the kidneys or another organ, such as the lungs.
What are the stages of pediatric Wilms tumors (nephroblastoma)?
Cancer stages reflect how far cancer cells spread from their original location. Our doctors rely on cancer staging to guide treatment decisions. The same tests used to diagnose Wilms tumor can determine the cancer’s stage. Your child shouldn’t need additional tests.
Wilms tumor cancer stages range from one to five:
Stage 1: Tumor is limited to one kidney with no evidence of spread outside of that kidney
Stage 2: Tumor has grown outside of the kidney into nearby fatty tissue or blood vessels but no further
Stage 3:Tumor is present in the lymph nodes at diagnosis or the tumor capsule has ruptured
Stage 4: Cancer has spread to other organs outside of the kidney at diagnosis. This is most commonly in the lungs, but rarely may include the liver or bones.
Stage 5: One or more Wilms tumors are in both kidneys
What other factors are used to determine the best treatment for Wilms tumor?
Other factors – outside of the stage of the tumor – also impact treatment decisions. Whether a Wilms tumor is determined to have a “favorable histology” or “anaplastic histology” is probably the single most important factor, with anaplastic Wilms tumor requiring more aggressive treatment.
More recent research has demonstrated the impact of certain genetic changes in some Wilms tumors on the outcome. We use this genetic data to identify Wilms tumor at higher risk of recurrence and change the treatment, so that we can provide tailored therapy for each Wilms tumor.