Common cold in babies
Newborns, babies and toddlers can get congested – a lot. As a parent, you might feel like you are constantly wiping a runny nose or trying to help clear a stuffy one.
Todd Burton, M.D., a pediatrician with Children's Health℠, offers advice on how to take care of your little one when they have nasal congestion.
Nasal congestion can be a symptom of a lot of different conditions, including the common cold. A stuffy nose can also be caused by other factors such as dry air, air pollutants (like smoke and strong odors) or objects stuck in the nasal passages.
"The obvious thing most people think of is the common cold or upper respiratory infection," says Dr. Burton. "That happens more often than people realize. On average, kids get 6 to 8 colds per year."
If it's not a cold, your child could also have another condition or respiratory illness, such as:
Newborns can also experience congestion without being sick. Many babies just sound congested until they get a little older and a little bigger. Infants with reflux or who spit up often can also experience a lot of nasal congestion.
"Sometimes it is hard to figure out the cause of nasal congestion, as a physician and as a parent," says Dr. Burton.
Unfortunately for little ones, there is no quick fix or medicine to treat nasal congestion in kids. It's important to know that cold medicine is not recommended for kids under the age of 6.
You can try these home remedies to relieve your child's nasal congestion:
Humidify the air in the room where they sleep with a cool air humidifier
Keep babies in an upright position for longer after they eat to reduce spit-up
Run a steamy shower or bath
Raise the head of the bed ONLY for children over age 1 (babies should always sleep on a flat surface to prevent SIDS)
Use saline drops or saline mist in their nose
Remove mucus with a bulb suctioning device or other suctioning devices
Turne off the ceiling fan in their room, which can dry out their nose
Give a child (6 months or older) who has a fever liquid acetaminophen or liquid ibuprofen. Call your pediatrician if their fever is high (100.4 degrees for newborns; 102 degrees for 3-month-olds to 3-year-olds).
Increase your child's fluid intake with water, soups and tea
Encourage your child to rest to help their body heal
Some of these tips may be especially helpful at night when a stuffy nose, runny nose or coughing may interrupt your child's sleep.
Talk with your pediatrician before trying other congestion home remedies. Some popular remedies have not been studied in children and may carry more risk than benefit.
It's not always easy to use a nasal suctioning device on little ones, but Dr. Burton has advice that can help suctioning be more effective.
Try saline drops before suctioning. Before you suction, put 2 or 3 saline drops in your child's nostrils and let those sit for a few minutes.
Use the right size suction device. As your child grows, you may need to get a larger suction device – to get a good seal and effectively suction.
Don't use a suction device too often. Overuse can make your child's nose swell and make congestion worse. If your child is eating, sleeping and playing normally, you may not need to suction.
Avoid suctioning if it makes your child cry a lot. Crying can also lead to more congestion.
Though baby boogers and toddler colds can be difficult, most children's symptoms will recover on their own with time, rest and extra cuddles. If you’re worried about your child, contact their pediatrician if symptoms last longer than 3 weeks, or you notice any of the following symptoms with nasal congestion:
High fever
Signs of dehydration
Severe or persistent cough
Pulling at ears
Thick, nasal discharge for several days
Trouble breathing or stridor
Red eyes or yellow or green discharge from the eyes
Call 911 or go to an emergency room if your child:
Has a blue tint to their skin
Is struggling to breathe or cannot breathe
Has trouble eating or talking
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