Will my child need other surgeries after the pediatric Fontan procedure?
People who had a Fontan procedure before the 1980s (when surgeons changed the surgery, making it even more effective and safe) are more likely to need a follow-up procedure called a Fontan revision. The old way of doing the surgery led to an increased risk of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) and other problems. Children who get the Fontan procedure today are unlikely to have these problems and shouldn’t need a Fontan revision.
Will my child need a heart transplant?
In rare instances, a child may need a heart transplant. Some adults who had the Fontan procedure during infancy may eventually need a heart transplant. At Children’s Health, we monitor your child’s heart health for the rest of their life to help detect problems quickly. We have an expert heart transplant team and an Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program that provides ongoing, comprehensive care for people who have had the Fontan procedure.
How does a single ventricle heart defect and surgery affect my child’s development?
Even with corrective surgery, your child may need to limit certain physical activities. Your child’s cardiologist can determine what activities are safe.