Audio, e-books and print books

How can I find out what books are available?
Our library has an online catalog that includes more than 6,000 books. Many titles are available in English and Spanish. To view our list of titles, log in to the library catalog with:
- Username: CHILDRENS HEALTH (all caps and no apostrophe)
- Password: (leave blank)
Librarian Picks / recommended reading
Digital eLibrary
Children’s Health offers patients and families access to our digital eLibrary through OverDrive®, an online collection of audiobooks and e-books you can read or listen to on your phone, computer, tablet or e-reader in English and Spanish. Many e-books are also available for Kindle™.
How do I access the eLibrary?
To get started, request an eLibrary account. Please allow 3 business days to receive your login and password. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 214-456-0222.
Once you receive your login and password, simply go to OverDrive® or download the Libby app:
Contact us
Children's Medical Center Dallas
Krissi Holman Family Resource Library
Children's Medical Center Plano
Karahan Family Resource Library